Tutti i prezzi pubblicati sono in Euro ed IVA esclusa.
Tutti i prezzi pubblicati sono in Euro ed IVA esclusa
Chemtronics 60-3-10 - Desoldering Braid - No Clean SD - 2.00mm - 3m. saldatura - accessori, trecce/calze.
Soder-Wick® geometrically-precise weave allows for maximum capillary wicking action and solder capacity. Soder-Wick desoldering braid optimizes heat transfer through the braid and into the solder joint, resulting in faster wicking action than any other competitive braid. Minimal flux residue on the board speeds up the cleaning process, or eliminates it entirely. Solder-Wick braid meets or exceeds Mil-F-14256 F, Type R; NASA STD-8739.3; DOD-STD-883E, Method 2022; ANSI/IPC J STD-004, Type ROLO (USA)
10' Length - Blue Bobbin
• Size: 3
• Color: Green
• Width: .080\\"
• Application: Medium Pads
Soder-Wick® geometrically-precise weave allows for maximum capillary wicking action and solder capacity. Soder-Wick desoldering braid optimizes heat transfer through the braid and into the solder joint, resulting in faster wicking action than any other competitive braid. Minimal flux residue on the board speeds up the cleaning process, or eliminates it entirely. Solder-Wick braid meets or exceeds Mil-F-14256 F, Type R; NASA STD-8739.3; DOD-STD-883E, Method 2022; ANSI/IPC J STD-004, Type ROLO (USA)
10' Length - Blue Bobbin
• Size: 3
• Color: Green
• Width: .080\\"
• Application: Medium Pads