Tutti i prezzi pubblicati sono in Euro ed IVA esclusa.
Tutti i prezzi pubblicati sono in Euro ed IVA esclusa
Topline Mixed Technology 2 Kit - 2-Layer FR4 Board SnPb-HASL PCB SnPb Components BGA169 SnPb Without Daisy Chain Packaging: 100 Kits Packed for Machine Assembly
Topline Mixed Technology 2 Kit - 2-Layer FR4 Board SnPb-HASL PCB SnPb Components BGA169 SnPb Without Daisy Chain Packaging: 50 Kits Packed for Machine Assembly
Topline Mixed Technology 2 Kit - 8 Layer Polyimide Board SnPb HASL Finish SnPb Components BGA169 SnPb Without Daisy Chain Tg=260C (DSC) Tg=250C (TMA) Design Considerations: Use maximum possible copper on all layers. Minimum 2 layers to represen
Topline Mixed Technology 2 Kit - 8 Layer Polyimide Board SnPb HASL Finish SnPb Components BGA169 SnPb Without Daisy Chain Tg=260C (DSC) Tg=250C (TMA) Design Considerations: Use maximum possible copper on all layers. Minimum 2 layers to represen