Tutti i prezzi pubblicati sono in Euro ed IVA esclusa.
Tutti i prezzi pubblicati sono in Euro ed IVA esclusa
1822-10F - Treccia dissaldante No Clean #3 - 1.90mm - 3m. TECH SPRAY, saldatura - accessori, trecce/calze.
Today's rework applications demand precision desoldering. Components and boards are easily damaged by heat, and only the highest performance desoldering is acceptable. ProWick® & No-Clean Wick are produced with an advanced braid design and stringent quality control procedures. Techspray's No-Clean Wick is the cleanest in the industry and is ideal for high-heat lead-free desoldering. ProWick® is based on pure rosin (Type R Flux). This flux meets all of the most stringent soldering standards for worldwide applications: MIL-F-142560D Type R, NASA specification NHB5300.4, NPC200-4 and SP-5002.
Approved for Lead-Free Processes
10ft., Green, #3, .075\\"W
Today's rework applications demand precision desoldering. Components and boards are easily damaged by heat, and only the highest performance desoldering is acceptable. ProWick® & No-Clean Wick are produced with an advanced braid design and stringent quality control procedures. Techspray's No-Clean Wick is the cleanest in the industry and is ideal for high-heat lead-free desoldering. ProWick® is based on pure rosin (Type R Flux). This flux meets all of the most stringent soldering standards for worldwide applications: MIL-F-142560D Type R, NASA specification NHB5300.4, NPC200-4 and SP-5002.
Approved for Lead-Free Processes
10ft., Green, #3, .075\\"W