Tutti i prezzi pubblicati sono in Euro ed IVA esclusa.
Tutti i prezzi pubblicati sono in Euro ed IVA esclusa
Bausch & Lomb Scale General Purpose Width 001/002/003". BAUSCH & LOMB, sistemi di visione e illuminazione, ottiche ed accessori.
Bausch & Lomb 81-34-36 Measuring Scales General Purpose measures radii from 1/16" to 3/8", angles in single degrees to 90 degrees, .005" to .1mm scales, and line widths of .001", .002" and .003". These scales can be used with Bausch & Lomb Lenscope and Measuring Magnifiers.
Bausch & Lomb 81-34-36 Measuring Scales General Purpose measures radii from 1/16" to 3/8", angles in single degrees to 90 degrees, .005" to .1mm scales, and line widths of .001", .002" and .003". These scales can be used with Bausch & Lomb Lenscope and Measuring Magnifiers.