Tutti i prezzi pubblicati sono in Euro ed IVA esclusa.
Tutti i prezzi pubblicati sono in Euro ed IVA esclusa
For low static workstations. Static conductive. Reduces sensitive component damage. SILVERSTAT SOLDAPULLT with LS197 Tip and ODS31 O-Ring L: 13.0 in. (330.0 mm) The Original Static Safe desoldering tool.
For low static workstations. Static conductive. Reduces sensitive component damage. SILVERSTAT SOLDAPULLT with LS197 Tip and ODS31 O-Ring L: 13.0 in. (330.0 mm) The Original Static Safe desoldering tool.
For low static workstations. Static conductive. Reduces sensitive component damage. SILVERSTAT SOLDAPULLT with LS197 Tip and ODS31 O-Ring L: 13.0 in. (330.0 mm) The Original Static Safe desoldering tool.