Tutti i prezzi pubblicati sono in Euro ed IVA esclusa.
Tutti i prezzi pubblicati sono in Euro ed IVA esclusa
Metcal MFR-1110 - Stazione saldante a cartucce STAZIONE SENZA PUNTE
Configurable System Provides Versatility with SmartHeat® Power & Control High power solution for production soldering touch-up soldering and SMD rework. SmartHeat® technology delivers the energy needed for each connection while protecting sensitive components from damage. Three handpiece options offer a comprehensive range of soldering and rework cartridges. SmartHeat® technology provides exceptional power for high thermal demand applications High power output at a fixed temperature provides high throughput with excellent yields Each hand-piece has a comprehensive range of cartridges or tips for maximum flexibility Hand-pieces are ergonomically designed for comfort and safety MFR-1110 Single output power supply one cartridge soldering hand-piece and workstand
Configurable System Provides Versatility with SmartHeat® Power & Control High power solution for production soldering touch-up soldering and SMD rework. SmartHeat® technology delivers the energy needed for each connection while protecting sensitive components from damage. Three handpiece options offer a comprehensive range of soldering and rework cartridges. SmartHeat® technology provides exceptional power for high thermal demand applications High power output at a fixed temperature provides high throughput with excellent yields Each hand-piece has a comprehensive range of cartridges or tips for maximum flexibility Hand-pieces are ergonomically designed for comfort and safety MFR-1110 Single output power supply one cartridge soldering hand-piece and workstand